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Changelog 2024-08-08

  • Removed reference to user groups from setup wizard
  • Implemented mayor/minor update release fixes 2024-08-08

  • Added Import Version to Item Price Import Setup

    See Import Version

  • Added Import Version Version 2.0 with new field order & Item Discount Group support

    See Version 2.0

  • Moved setup fields Update Unit Cost on Item Card & Skip update Unit Price Item Card from Item and Price Management Setup to Item Price Import Setup including datatransfer on upgrade 2024-07-19

  • Added Price List Unit of Measure Code to Item Price Import 2024-04-19

  • New feature: Item Price Import Free Fields
  • Implemented mayor/minor update release fixes 2024-03-15

  • Implemented mayor/minor update release fixes 2023-11-22

  • Add user Permission Set setup to guided setup, and automatically start guided setup after install
  • Fixed next major/minor build en release issues 2023-08-04

  • Added permission sets for manager and user 2023-07-05

  • Implemented mayor/minor update release fixes 2023-03-07

  • Use factor for calculating Unit Price based on Unit Cost during Item Price Import 2023-01-23

  • Export Item Price Import include existing (filtered) records
  • Enhanced code performance
  • Process discounts with the Item Price Import
  • Process variants with the Item Price Import
  • Option to skip update of Item Unit Price after Item Price Import
  • Option to exclude Items from manual check 2022-06-29

  • Allow to ignore G/L Accounts in Manual Price calculation based on setting
  • Manual price indicator for all Sales & Purchase documents
  • Notification for old prices for all Sales & Purchase documents 2022-04-06

  • Enhanced integration with New sales pricing experience by including the fields
  • Purchase Price Assign-To Type, Purchase Price Assign-To No., Sales Price Assign-To
  • Type and Sales Price Assign-To No. in the import / export file and the Item Price Import page.
  • Implement the batch Close Previous Prices for the New sales pricing experience 2021-10-25

  • New setting in the setup page: “Update Unit Cost on Item Card” (group “Item Price Import”) – Options: “Never”, “If viable”
  • New step in setup wizard for “Item Price Import” settings
  • New groups in setup page: “Item Base Unit Cost”, “Item Price Import”, “Price Alerts”
  • Translations updated (e.g., leave app name “Price and Item Management” untranslated)
  • Do not allow Insert or Delete on Setup Page
  • Add setup record on-install/-upgrade 2021-06-24

  • New feature: Base Unit Cost for Sales & Service implemented
  • Fix for old price indication not visible 2021-01-06

  • Integrated feature New sales pricing experience of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central
  • Optimized experience of import based on Item Vendor Nos. (no item per record is created if the item vendor no. is the same)
  • Implemented option to start a subscription for the app 2020-11-01

  • Rebranding of app 2020-08-01

  • The batches to close old purchase and sales price records now show a message once they are finished, also showing a count of updated records. 2020-07-01

  • Added support for the following languages:

    • German
    • Norwegian
    • French
    • Swedish
    • Spanish
    • Danish
  • Deleted the item copy functionality (is now standard functionality in Dynamics 365 Business Central)

  • Introduced two batches to close the old purchase and sales price records 2020-08-01

  • Initial released version

Last update: September 18, 2024