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XmlPort WSB_ImportItemPricesV2TTE

XmlPort to import item prices V2.


Name Value
Caption Import Item Prices
Direction Import
FieldSeparator ;
Format VariableText
PreserveWhiteSpace 1
TextEncoding UTF8
UseRequestPage 0




This procedure will be removed in favor of procedure wgFncInitialize with 8 parameters

Initializes parameters for the XML Port.


Type Name Description
Code[10] pConfigTemplateCode The Configuration Template to use.
Boolean pCreateNewItems Whether to create new items.
Code[20] pItemNoSeries The Item No. Series to pick new item nos. from if necessary.
Enum "WSB_NewItemNosMethodTTE" pNewItemNosMethod The method that is used for picking new item nos.
Enum "WSB_UpdatePricesMethodTTE" pUpdatePricesMethod The method that is used for updating prices.
Code[20] pPurchListCode The code of the Purchase Price List to import lines into.
Code[20] pSalesListCode The code of the Sales Price List to import lines into.


Initializes parameters for the XML Port.


Type Name Description
Code[10] pConfigTemplateCode The Configuration Template to use.
Boolean pCreateNewItems Whether to create new items.
Code[20] pItemNoSeries The Item No. Series to pick new item nos. from if necessary.
Enum "WSB_NewItemNosMethodTTE" pNewItemNosMethod The method that is used for picking new item nos.
Enum "WSB_UpdatePricesMethodTTE" pUpdatePricesMethod The method that is used for updating prices.
Code[20] pPurchListCode The code of the Purchase Price List to import lines into.
Code[20] pSalesListCode The code of the Sales Price List to import lines into.
Boolean pCalcUnitPriceWithFactor Wether to directly update Unit Price on import with Factor * Direct Unit Cost.